
Numeracy is sometimes described as ‘mathematical literacy….to use and engage with maths and understand the role it plays in the real world….’.

Numeracy is vital to us all for making informed decisions in our everyday lives and to our country to build a strong economy and to be able to compete on a global scale.

Barker’s Lane Calculation Policy

We have a Calculation Policy in school which communicates to all our staff, the methods children are taught for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Click on the links to see a very visual policy:

Numeracy is not the same as mathematics, although we usually learn the skills in maths lessons. To be numerate is to be proficient with number, applying skills across the curriculum and in real life contexts.
One of the Welsh Government priorities is to improve standards in numeracy. Click on this link to see the how children progress in their numeracy skills.

Website & Video links:

Supporting your child to develop their numerical skills

There are many opportunities to develop numerical skills in all aspects of our lives and in school, across all of the curriculum.

Many of us, may have said ‘I can’t do maths….’ at some time and often it is an area of the curriculum that can be difficult to support your child with.

The presentation s used for workshops in school can be accessed by clicking on the links below: