Welcome to Barker’s Lane Community School.

    Croeso to our school website.

    At Barker’s Lane we aspire to our school vision:

    ‘Let’s learn to enjoy, aspire, respect and nurture together’

    Barker’s Lane School is a happy, safe and caring community where nurturing and supporting children to achieve their full potential is at the heart of what we do. The wellbeing of everyone is central to our happy, friendly ‘school family’ where we take care of each individual and support them to develop resilience, self-belief and empathy.

    We aim to challenge children to achieve their best in exciting, interesting and imaginative ways both indoors and outdoors.  We have high expectations for all and work in partnership to ensure children have the best opportunity to enjoy learning, respect themselves and others, develop confidence and independence.

    Working in partnership together we support each other to create this culture and get children ready for the rapid changing world that they live in.

    Cofion cynnes

    Mrs Chris Edwards

    At Barker’s Lane, we take your privacy and protecting your personal information seriously.

    Our Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy can be found by clicking here